Shane Vaughn Teaches - Did God Die To Remarry Israel

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Shane Vaughn
2 years

Study Guide

00:00:00 - Did God Die on the Cross?
00:00:56 - The Nonexistence of Eternal God
00:01:39 - The Impossibility of God's Death
00:02:19 - The Life-changing Lesson
00:03:35 - The Nature of Objects
00:04:15 - God's immutability
00:05:02 - The Mystery of God and the Hypostatic Union
00:05:42 - The concept of God having to die
00:06:26 - The Death of God in Hebrew Roots and Messianic Belief
00:07:09 - The Marriage and Divorce of Yahweh and Israel
00:07:59 - Understanding Yahweh's Redemption of Israel
00:08:39 - The dissolution of the marriage covenant
00:09:25 - Speaking about the Husband
00:10:03 - Death of the Old Covenant
00:10:55 - The Death of the Old Covenant Marriage
00:11:43 - The Purpose of Christ's Death
00:12:32 - Freedom from the Old Covenant Marriage Law
00:13:21 - Bringing Fruit unto Yahweh
00:14:09 - Yahweh's New Covenant
00:14:52 - Challenging a Traditional Teaching
00:15:31 - Yahweh as Israel's Old Covenant Husband
00:16:21 - The Significance of Baptism in Christ
00:17:10 - The Power of Water Baptism
00:17:51 - Baptism and the Death of Israel
00:18:35 - The New Israel
00:19:16 - Regeneration of Israel
00:20:12 - Blank

Key insights
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    According to Torah, the only way Yahweh could remarry Israel was if he died to end that marriage covenant.
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    The Hebrew roots and the messianics believe that Yahweh had to die in order to marry Israel again.
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    The old Covenant had to die for a new marriage to take place with Christ as the new husband.
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    You died in the waters of baptism, the old woman was left in the water and a new woman, a brand new creation, a new Israel, a New Jerusalem.
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    Water baptism symbolizes a brand new identity and the end of the curse of divorce from Yahweh.
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    The new Israel is not the replacement of old Israel, it is the Regeneration or the restoration of old Israel and the tribe of Judah together.