Examining John 14:1 & 2

Shane Vaughn Photo

Shane Vaughn
2 years
In this video, Dr. Vaughn attempts to Correcting the error in our thinking concerning St John Chapter 14.... So many people use these first two verses to prove that "Jesus went away to heaven to prepare a place for us" and therefore they try to discredit our teaching that NO ONE is going to heaven..... These verses indeed seem to imply that Jesus is preparing our mansions right now and when He is finished, He is going to come and get us and bring us to those mansion... PLEASE PERISH THE THOUGHT.... this is poppycock of carnal thinking and religious rhetoric.... COME UP A LITTLE HIGHER and see a truth more beautiful and glorious than mansions in the corner of gloryland.. COME AND SEE something loftier than Heaven.. come and learn TRUTH with us...