Part 5 - Joy Comes In The Morning ''The 3 Step Plan''

1 year

00:00:00 - The Mystery of Christ in You
00:06:44 - Waiting for the Manifestation of the Sons of Yahweh
00:12:40 - The Manifestation of the Sons of Yahweh
00:18:59 - The Scattering of the Gentiles
00:25:20 - Finding Rest for a Desperate Heart
00:31:34 - Deliverance from Depression Pills
00:37:33 - Reconciliation within our Hearts
00:43:32 - Receiving the Holy Spirit by Faith
00:49:07 - Understanding the Misinterpretation of Christian Doctrine
00:55:04 - The Story of Hosea
01:00:40 - Prophecies of Judgment
01:06:27 - The Gentiles scattered throughout the Nations
01:12:28 - The Scattered Sheep of Israel
01:18:37 - A Chosen People
01:24:39 - Only One Group of People Without Mercy
01:30:47 - The Timing of Yahshua's Return and the Restoration of All Things
01:36:31 - The Catholic Church's False Doctrine
01:42:03 - The Deception of the Church
01:47:55 - The Promise of the Overcomers
01:54:03 - The Judgment Seat of Christ
01:59:52 - Being Witnesses and Evidence
02:05:46 - Redeeming and Restoring
02:11:58 - The Restoration Message and the End of the Church
02:17:44 - The Role of Yeshua on Earth
02:23:35 - The Salvation of All People
02:29:49 - The Savior of All Men and the Special Relationship with Israel
02:35:59 - A Day of Justice