Pastor Vaughn Teaches ''The Parables of The Kingdom'' Part 1

1 year

Pastor Shane Vaughn Teaches "PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM" - Part 1 - The Potters Wheel

00:00:00 - The Parables of the Kingdom - Part 1
00:01:07 - Studying the Parable of The Potter
00:02:06 - The Potter and the Clay
00:03:08 - Repentance and Judgment
00:04:15 - The True Meaning of the Parable
00:05:15 - The Potter and the Clay
00:06:16 - The Molding of the House of Israel
00:07:25 - The Commandments as Standards of Conduct
00:08:30 - The importance of instructions in Holiness and Righteousness
00:09:35 - Transformation on The Potter's Wheel
00:10:40 - The Rebellion of Israel against Yahweh
00:11:46 - Forsaking the Ordinances of Worship
00:12:43 - The Value of Irregular People
00:13:42 - The Remolding Begins
00:14:48 - The Potter and the Clay
00:15:54 - Remaking the Vessel with the Same Clay
00:17:02 - The Promise of the Holy Spirit for All
00:18:00 - The Promise to the House of Judah and the Jewish People
00:19:02 - The Lost Tribes and their Distance from the Covenant
00:20:14 - The Promise to the Jew
00:21:11 - The Parable of the Holy Nation Remnant Israel
00:22:18 - The Purpose of the Holy Spirit
00:23:25 - Softening the Clay
00:24:34 - The Remolding of the Vessel
00:25:41 - The Second Vessel: Israel
00:26:51 - The Parable of the Clay
00:27:55 - Foreign Music Performance

Keywords: natural Israel, molding his people, clay, marring, hand of potter, potter’s field, another vessel, remnant Israel, reforming, afar off, soften the clay, remolding, same clay, replacement theology, 2,520 years, House of Israel