Part 11 - JOY COMES IN THE MORNING - Sabbath Morning Bible Study

1 year


00:00:00 - Learning Righteousness
00:04:50 - The Myth of Eternal Torment
00:09:39 - The Judgment and the River of Fire
00:14:49 - The Pressure and Fiery Trial of Faith
00:19:36 - Confronting False Doctrine and False Worship
00:24:06 - The Fire of Obedience
00:29:03 - True Queens Serve
00:34:00 - The Different Meanings of the Word "Hell"
00:39:04 - The Valley of Gehenna
00:44:18 - The Valley of Gehenna: A Place of Death
00:48:59 - The Horrors of Gehenna
00:54:18 - The Transformation of Gehanna into a Soccer Field
01:01:22 - Enduring the Fire
01:04:17 - Surrendering to the Lake of Fire
01:09:49 - The Purpose of the Fire and the Sons of Levi
01:15:07 - Judging the Fallen Angels
01:20:05 - The Bound Angels and the Flood
01:25:00 - The Keys to the Gates of Hell
01:30:07 - Walking on the Stones of Fire
01:35:16 - Walking on Stones of Fire
01:40:15 - Misunderstood Verse of Scripture
01:45:31 - Preaching to the Spirits in Prison
01:50:57 - Power over Angels Fallen Angels
01:56:32 - The Power of the Name Yeshua (Jesus)
02:01:31 - The Transformative Power of Fire
02:06:20 - The Unquenchable Fire
02:11:23 - Overcoming life through obedience

Key insights
The nature of hell and divine punishment
🌊 The Bible said the wicked are like a troubled sea. There'll be no more wickedness. Everything will be at peace like a Crystal River.
🔥 Gehana, mentioned by Yahshua, was not a Lake of Fire under the Earth, but a city dump outside of Jerusalem that never stopped burning.
👼 One angel was able to kill 200,000 men in a matter of minutes, showing the power of divine intervention.
🔥 The consequences of not obeying the teachings of Yahshua can lead to living in hell on earth.
🙌 Rejoice when the Lord burns his church, as it signifies the purification and preparation for the coming fire.
🔥 The Lake of Fire is your Lake of purification, it is your Lake of perfecting, it is the greatest thing you'll ever experience in your life.
🔥 The purpose of the fire is to learn righteousness and cleanse the sons of Levi before they offer up a sacrifice of perfection.
🔑 The gates of hell are the stone over the door of the grave, and only those with Yeshua have the key to get out. Misinterpretations of Biblical teachings
📖 Every Christian sermon is about hell, but it's nowhere in Torah, the only hell that Torah teaches us is Hell on Earth that we create in our Rebellion.
🔥 The Christian church is so messed up on the subject of hell because of the systems that have bound the people, not the people themselves.
🔥 The biggest false doctrine in the Christian church is that Yahshua went to hell and preached to people in hell.
🍎 The idea of Adam and Eve disappearing from existence and being hidden after eating the fruit of Good and Evil raises thought-provoking questions about the consequences of their actions.
👼 The idea that saints will judge the angels raises questions about the hierarchy and roles in the spiritual realm.
🔑 The verse "Upon This Rock I'll build my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it" is one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible. The role and responsibilities of religious leaders
👩‍👧‍👦 A true Pastor is a servant, not someone who brags about their title.