Part 12 - Joy Comes In The Morning 9/23/23

1 year

00:00:00 - Misinterpretation of the word "hell"
00:05:42 - The Purpose of God's Fire
00:11:45 - The Fire and Satan's Weapons
00:17:29 - The Steps to the Throne
00:25:26 - The Better Resurrection and Ruling with Yahshua
00:29:07 - The Second Resurrection and the Believers
00:34:40 - The Two Resurrections
00:40:07 - The Separation of the Just and Unjust at Judgment
00:45:28 - Standing Before Elohim and the Books that Were Opened
00:50:58 - The Symbolism of the Lake of Fire
00:56:39 - Torture in Sodom and Gomorrah
01:01:54 - The Kingdom of Heaven vs The Judgment Seat of Christ
01:06:50 - Questioning God's Actions
01:12:13 - Purging in the Lake of Fire
01:17:44 - God's Plan and the First Resurrection
01:23:22 - The Resurrection and the Resurrected Body
01:29:15 - The Promise of a Superhuman Body
01:34:24 - Discussion and Questions
01:39:46 - The Importance of Ten Fingers and Ten Toes
01:45:24 - Zadok and the Faithful Preachers
01:50:59 - The consequences of pagan practices and the distinction between the faithful and the unfaithful
01:57:19 - The Garment of Holiness and the Difference between the Robe of Righteousness and the Garment of Salvation
02:02:48 - Teaching the Difference between the Holy and the Unholy
02:08:51 - The Establishment of Yahweh's Government
02:13:52 - The Duty to Lead Yahweh's People
02:18:42 - The Judgment of the Nations and the Lake of Fire