Speaking In Tongues - YES OR NO? Let's Settle It

5 months

Study Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qBjELQcDtiu7VZu3nJhgzVT9LSe2-jOW1nGkrMy_S1M/edit?usp=sharing

00:00:00 - Finding balance in speaking in tongues
00:02:17 - The Middle Road
00:04:22 - The Truth about Speaking in Tongues
00:06:48 - The Apostle Paul's Stance on Speaking in Tongues
00:09:12 - Foreign Languages vs. Angelic Language
00:11:41 - Speaking in an Unknown Tongue
00:14:03 - The Gift of Other Languages vs. Teaching
00:16:23 - The Gift of Healing and Speaking in Tongues in the Corinthian Church
00:18:37 - The Purpose of Speaking in Tongues
00:20:56 - Speaking in Unknown Tongues
00:23:09 - Praying in an Unknown Tongue
00:25:33 - The Beauty of Speaking in Tongues
00:27:55 - Speaking in Tongues in Different Settings
00:30:10 - Speaking in Tongues and its Context
00:32:31 - Speaking in tongues and the prophecy from Isaiah
00:34:58 - Speaking in Unknown Languages
00:37:18 - The Gift of Judgment Spoken in Foreign Languages
00:39:26 - The Significance of Tongues in the Church
00:41:41 - Speaking in Tongues and Interpretations
00:43:53 - Disorder in the Church and the Importance of Orderliness
00:46:16 - Women Speaking in the Church
00:48:19 - Speaking in Tongues in the Church
00:50:33 - The Carnal Mind and Speaking in Tongues
00:52:51 - The Middle of the Road Church: Obedience to the Spirit of God
00:55:11 - The Gift of Tongues and Judgment Against the Logical Mind
00:57:21 - The Value of Speaking in Tongues
00:59:40 - The Evidence of the Holy Spirit

Key insights
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    Paul's message in 1 Corinthians 14 is clear: "forbid not to speak in tongues" - those who do are ignorant and anti-word.
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    If this is not an unknown gibberish as many call it, who would forbid speaking in known languages supernaturally?
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    The use of spiritual gifts, including the gift of tongues, should not be forbidden in the church according to Paul's letter.
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    The gift of the Angelic language serves a different purpose than the gift of other languages or the gift of common language.
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    Paul's acknowledgment of not all believers speaking in tongues challenges the idea that every Christian must speak in tongues.
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    "It's the sophistry of Satan. What he is doing is comparing apples to oranges."
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    Paul's reference to Isaiah 28:11-13 is key to understanding the purpose of speaking in tongues.
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    The purpose of speaking in tongues was to send forth the message of the coming Kingdom divinely in foreign languages that everyone understood.