Part 8 - Revealed Treasures Of The Tabernacle 7/12/24

2 months

Study Guide:


00:00:00 - The Difference Between the Holy and the Most Holy

00:02:26 - The Little Room in the Tabernacle

00:04:45 - Entering Heavenly Places

00:07:05 - The Symbol of Ever Increasing Light

00:09:44 - The Altar of Prayer

00:11:57 - Operating from Heavenly Places

00:14:50 - Operating from a Heavenly Dimension

00:17:37 - The Power of Prayers

00:20:10 - Praying for the Saints

00:22:53 - The Nations of the Saved

00:25:15 - The Banners of the Tribes in the Wilderness

00:27:37 - The Perfection of the Zeteki Calendars

00:30:11 - The Zekai Calendar and the Four Gates

00:32:36 - The Four Living Creatures and the Throne of God

00:34:53 - The Moving Wheels of the Throne

00:37:27 - Thrown Outside the Camp

00:40:00 - Separation from the Camp

00:42:22 - Torah Observance and Exclusion

00:44:41 - The Parable of the Lost Sheep

00:46:54 - Restoration through Separation

00:49:15 - Baptism and Community Purity

00:51:35 - The Seriousness of Rituals in the Old Testament

00:53:40 - Keeping the Camp Clean for Yahweh

00:55:58 - A call to righteousness and separation from lawlessness

Key insights 🙌 The speaker claims that he doesn't look for revelations, they look for him, and he just had a "wow" moment of insight. 💫 The menorah symbolizes ever-increasing light, with each candle representing complete truth and the number seven signifying completion. 🙏 If you want his will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven, you must create the very instruments that are in heaven in your daily life. 🌌 The 12 constellations surrounding our planet are reflected in the Tabernacle, connecting the universe to the sacred space. 🌌 The astronomical pattern in the design of the camp in the wilderness and the placement of the tribes of Israel in relation to the Tabernacle is truly fascinating. 🔍 The arrangement of the tribes at 90-degree angles from each other demonstrates the precision and thoughtfulness of Yahweh's design. 🌀 The wheel in the middle of the wheel represents Yahweh himself, and the four living creatures are involved in moving the throne, symbolizing the protection and movement of God's glory. 🔥 Sin spreads like leprosy, infecting and defiling the entire community.