Part 11 - Revealed Treasures of the Tabernacle 8/2/24

4 weeks

00:00:00 - The First and Second Resurrections in the Book of Revelation
00:03:39 - Rewards of the Kingdom
00:07:19 - The Inner Court: A Work of Sanctification
00:11:16 - The Tabernacle and Its Shadows
00:15:01 - The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks
00:18:50 - The Church in Sardis, Philadelphia, and Smyrna
00:22:54 - The Voice of Yua
00:27:21 - The Voice in the Wilderness
00:31:23 - The Need for a Voice
00:35:02 - The Voice of the Church
00:38:55 - The Influence of Stars and Satan's Agenda
00:42:48 - The Man Conquered by Seven
00:50:35 - The Presence of Christ in our Midst
00:54:18 - A Message of Love and Kindness
00:58:16 - The Seven Spirits of God
01:02:08 - The Eyes of Yahweh on Earth
01:06:32 - The Biggest Lie in Christianity
01:10:32 - Discerning the Voice of God
01:14:14 - The Characteristics of the Holy Spirit
01:18:02 - The Limitations of Healings and Miracles in the Bible
01:21:33 - Be Honest and Don't Embarrass God
01:25:11 - The Voice of Thunder
01:29:02 - The Thunder and Lightning from the Throne
01:32:55 - The Strength of the Nazarite Judges
01:37:08 - The Significance of the Number Seven
01:41:03 - Music Transition