The Sabbath Police - Pastor. Shane Vaughn 9/19/24

1 day

00:00:00 - Sabbath Day Restrictions
00:00:39 - Finding the Balance in Faith and Extremism
00:01:25 - Studying the Intent of Yahweh's Law
00:02:11 - The True Meaning of the Sabbath
00:02:59 - Yahweh's Occupation: Creation and Prophecy
00:03:55 - The Creation of the Seventh Day as a Prophecy
00:04:47 - The Garden of Eden Work Perspective
00:05:30 - The Story of Work and Toil in the Garden of Eden
00:06:18 - The Meaning of "Sural Work" in the Torah
00:07:03 - The Concept of Slavery and Employment
00:07:48 - Working in the Millennial Reign
00:08:30 - Commandments for Shabbat
00:09:18 - The Importance of Shabbat Celebrations
00:10:05 - The Formation of Commandments from Celebrations
00:10:49 - Nehemiah's Misinterpretation of the Sabbath
00:11:34 - Sabbath Restrictions and Scripture Interpretation
00:12:13 - The Significance of Kindling a Fire
00:13:02 - The Joy of Sabbath Keeping
00:13:53 - Honoring Personal Convictions on Shabbat
00:14:37 - Sabbath Morning Reflections
00:15:16 - Celebrating Creation on Shabbat
00:16:00 - Sabbath Observance in Israel and Judea
00:16:46 - Observing the Sabbath in a Modern World
00:17:29 - Dining on the Sabbath in Babylon
00:18:17 - The Role of Serving in the Church
00:18:53 - Sabbath Requirements
00:19:40 - Have a Great Day!
A strange thing happens once you decide to honor the Sabbath Day. You will soon run into THE SABBATH POLICE with their list of rules and regulations. It can be very hard to ascertain what is actually commanded and forbidden on the Sabbath with these police. So, open the WORD with me and lets find THE TRUTH.

Sabbath's True Purpose

🌟The Sabbath, according to the Torah, is intended as a delight for Yahweh and a time of rest, not the burden it became for the children of Israel.

🌞It's meant to be a day of celebration where Yahweh encourages people to laugh, recreate, dance, feast, and be friendly.

Prophetic Significance

🕰️The Sabbath serves as a shadow of the future 7,000th year, symbolizing humanity's freedom from slavery and toil during the Millennial Reign.

Honoring Creation

🌎It's a time to focus on creation past and future, honoring the Creator and anticipating the new Earth He will recreate.

🌹The Sabbath encourages enjoying creation, such as appreciating the beauty of roses, rather than merely avoiding work.