Part 16 - Revealed Treasures of the Tabernacle - SPIRIT OF MIGHT

5 days

Chapters: 00:00:00 -
The Seven Spirits of Yahweh
00:03:05 - The Blossoming of the Holy Spirit
00:06:10 - False Humility and the Desire for Greatness
00:08:56 - The Spirit of Might in Christianity
00:11:44 - Recognizing Your Calling
00:14:41 - The Unborn Children of the Creator
00:17:42 - Ingredients and Bread Making Discussion
00:20:38 - The Spirit of Might and Government on Shoulders
00:23:47 - The Spirit of Might and the Mighty Man
00:26:50 - An Army of Mighty People
00:29:35 - The Spirit of Might and Identity in Christianity
00:32:28 - The God Family and Anointment
:35:45 - The Mighty El in Psalms 82
00:38:23 - Claiming Your Seat at the Table
00:41:13 - Anointed with the Spirit of Might
00:43:47 - The Spirit of Might in the Bible
00:46:24 - Recognizing the Spirit of Might
00:49:27 - The Spirit of Might
00:52:04 - Developing the Spirit of Might
00:54:51 - Mighty Men vs Mere Men in God
00:57:47 - Ruling the Nations with the Spirit of Might
00:01:00 - Inheriting All Things
01:03:14 - The Spirit of Might and Authority of the Word of Yahweh
01:05:50 - Yahweh's Exaltationỏ among the Heathen
01:08:30 - The Spirit of Might and Victory
01:11:00 - Release of the Spirit of Might
01:13:40 - The Spirit of Might Spiritual Transformation

🌟 The Spirit of Might transforms believers from a beggar mentality to a royal mentality, enabling them to rule and reign with Christ and elevate their thinking from Christianity to royalty. 🧠 When present, the Spirit of Might transforms the mind to think like Daniel, providing wisdom and might from God and allowing believers to see God's sovereignty in all circumstances, even in despair and loss. Biblical Authority 🗡️ The Spirit of Might is the authority of God's word spoken with the sword of the word, representing a spirit of no compromise that rules with a rod of iron. 👑 This spirit is necessary for believers to comprehend God's plan for them to rule with authority over nations, as described in Revelation
2:26-27, breaking down all rebellion to Messiah. Challenging False Teachings 🛡️ The Spirit of Might gives believers courage and confidence to stand against false teachings and false humility, boldly proclaiming God's word without compromise. 🌱 True humility believes the word of Yahweh, while false humility prevents believers from fully accepting their mightiness in God. Identity and Perspective 👥 Yahweh's plan reveals believers as part of a family of Mighty Men and Elohim, expanding beyond Christianity's trinity concept of father, son, and Holy Spirit. 👁️ The Spirit of Might provides believers with magnificent thoughts and a mindset of victory, enabling them to see God in everything and have a divine perspective rather than a human one.