Yom Kippur 24 - ''Kippur, Our Confidence in Crisis''

4 days

00:00:00 The Eternal Sacrifice of Yahshua Ha Mashiach
00:05:39 The Seed of Perfection in Christian Theology
00:10:09 Entering the Holiest through the Blood of Yahshua
00:14:25 The Significance of the Blood of Jesus
00:19:25 The Value of Blood: Commoner vs. Royalty
00:24:21 The True Power of Yahshua's Blood
00:29:10 Rituals and the Powerlessness of Blood
00:33:50 The Power of a Life Lived
00:38:06 The Divine Life Beyond the Blood
00:43:13 Significance of Yahshuas' Blood in Worship
00:48:00 Understanding the Power of the Blood
00:53:30 Hidden Finances in Marriage
00:57:33 The Shift from Animal Sacrifices in Judaism
01:03:36 Understanding Yom Kippur's Significance
01:07:26 Introduction to Babylonian Religion
01:12:57 Aaron's Atonement Process
01:16:37 The Significance of the Bullock in Atonement
01:21:36 Significance of the Number 10 in Judgment
01:26:39 Understanding Daniel's 10 Days of Judgment
01:32:06 Understanding Atonement in Scripture
01:36:19 The Power of Non-judgmental Love
01:41:41 Impact and Influence in the Congregation
01:45:15 The Role of Sacrificial Goats in Sin Covering
01:50:14 Differences Between Old and New Testament Sacrifices
01:54:50 The Connection Between Commandments and the Blood
02:07:09 Assurance of Eternal Life
02:12:15 Farewell to Satan: The Seventh Day Arrives

Blood Symbolism and Sanctification 🩸The blood of Jesus symbolizes His life of obedience to God, not a magical power, with the life in the blood being powerful, not the physical liquid itself. 🕊️Yeshua's blood sacrifice perfected the Sanctified 144,000 for eternal life, not the world, according to Hebrews
9:28. Spiritual Union and Boldness 🤝To enter the holy place and have boldness before God, one must be joined to the Lord and have the life of Jesus in them, not just the blood. 🦁The life of Jesus gives believers boldness to pray and live victoriously, as living right creates confidence to ask God for needs. Yom Kippur Significance 📅Yom Kippur, the 10th day of the 7th month, is a day of judgment in the house of the Lord, not the world. 🐐The blood of the lamb is for perfection and sanctification, while the blood of the goat is for atonement and forgiveness. Critique of Religious Practices ⚠️The speaker warns that Judaism and Catholicism are antichrist, claiming Judaism's Yom Kippur observance focusing on annual sin forgiveness is a spirit of antichrist. 🚫The speaker preaches against those who view the blood of Jesus as a magical solution without living His life, warning they are preaching against the blood.