Part 17 - Revealed Treasures Of The Tabernacle

18 hours

00:00:00 The Significance of Locating the Tabernacle's Original Site
00:06:06 Understanding the Significance of the Third Temple
00:09:01 Discovering the True Tabernacle Pattern
00:12:17 The Voice of Yahweh in the Garden
00:15:39 The Millennial Reign and Its Conclusion
00:19:00 Yahweh's Promise to Tabernacle with the World
00:22:28 Deeper Understanding of the Temple and the Self
00:26:02 Understanding the Outer Court and Inner Court
00:29:40 Understanding the Two Minds and the Holy of Holies
00:33:11 The Third Room: Invitation and Spiritual Revelation
00:36:18 Understanding the Temple of the Holy Ghost
00:39:52 Spiritual Understanding and the Mind of Christ
00:44:58 Understanding the Tabernacle and the Holy Spirit's Role
00:48:10 Holy Spirit and Happiness: A Paradox
00:51:19 Understanding the Seven Spirits of God
00:54:30 Inner Transformation and the Holy Spirit
00:58:05 Spiritual Symbolism of the Temple in the Bible
01:00:43 Understanding Spiritual Teachings vs. Literal Interpretations
01:04:26 Understanding Spiritual and Moral Boundaries
01:06:46 Interpreting the Holy of Holies and Sanctuary as Mind
01:10:56 Understanding the Temple: Body and Mind as a Sanctuary
01:13:17 Significance of a Clean Mind in Spirituality
01:16:33 Understanding Spiritual Fornication
01:19:41 The Dangers of Spiritual Fornication
01:23:28 Cleansing the Mind with Truth
01:26:23 Seeking Wisdom and Understanding Tabernacle Symbolism 🏛️

The Tabernacle symbolizes God's desire to dwell among His people, with the outer court representing the unsaved, the inner court symbolizing the two minds of a person, and the Holy of Holies representing the manifest presence of God hidden within. 🧠 Your body is the modern Temple where the Holy Spirit dwells, with the mind as the 20x20 part and the Holy Spirit as the 10x10 part, emphasizing the importance of protecting your body from unclean influences. Spiritual Growth 🌱 To double the God part of your life, utilize prayer, the Word, and the Spirit of Understanding to transform your thinking and replace negativity with God's truth. 🧹 Creating a clean mind through the word allows God to meet with you and speak clearly, emphasizing the need to eliminate lies, gossip, and false doctrine. Divine Communication 📡 The Tabernacle's purpose was to provide a place for communication between God and man, which is now facilitated through the body, manora, seven spirits of God, word of God, and prayer. 🗣️ God is tabernacling with some people in advance, preparing for the future when He will dwell among all of creation, starting with Israel as stated in Exodus 25:8. Wisdom and Understanding 🧠 The spirit of wisdom, one of the seven spirits of God, enters your mind when you receive God's words, crave understanding, and cry out for knowledge. 🔍 Seeking God's words like silver coins leads to walking in wisdom, emphasizing the value of pursuing divine knowledge and understanding.