Every few generations the world shifts and these shifts happen because of certain decisions made by the governments of men. In this series, Professor Toto will show when THE LAST SHIFT WAS and then the NEXT ONE is happening.
00:00:00 - Shifts of Society: Freedom or Force
00:01:12 - Turning Points in American History
00:02:22 - The Four Turning Points in American History
00:03:26 - Protecting Freedom from the Government
00:04:24 - Ignoring the Safety Marks in the Word of God
00:05:27 - What happened to America
00:06:31 - Fighting the Colossal Liberal Ideology
00:07:44 - The Path of Freedom
00:08:52 - The Turning Point in American History
00:09:56 - "Donald John: Called to Lead America"
00:11:08 - Part 2 of the Trump Agenda
00:12:19 - The Three Things You Can Do to Stay Part of the Turning Point Toto
00:13:34 - The Return of the House of Representatives
00:14:41 - Yahweh's Plan for America and the End Time Work
00:15:48 - America as an End Time Israelite Nation
00:16:48 - The Second Act of the Book of Acts
00:17:54 - America's Role in God's End Time Work
00:18:59 - Love for Yahweh and the United States of America
00:21:13 - A Prayer for the Nation
00:22:27 - Awakening and Healing Our Nation
00:23:47 - Good Night America
00:00:00 - The Spirit of Jezebel
00:08:31 - The Spirit of Jezebel
00:16:55 - The Influence of Jezebel and Athaliah
00:26:21 - The Plot to Usurp the Throne
00:36:50 - Princess Jehoshua's Secret Escape
00:44:14 - The Birth of the Manchild and the Threat to the Throne
00:53:04 - Aaliah's Preachers Break Down the House of Yahweh
01:01:51 - The Restoration of Worship
01:11:25 - Covenant with the Captains
01:19:39 - Protecting the House and the Truth
01:27:37 - The Crowning of the King
01:35:53 - Rejoicing and Destruction
01:44:11 - Duty to Guard Truth
🕯️The Catholic Church believes in transubstantiation, where the bread and wine become Christ's body and blood, and that partaking in this is necessary for forgiveness of sin.
🍖The Easter ham, considered an abomination under the Passover Lamb, was created by the Catholic Church to replace the true Passover celebration.
🏛️The "little horn" in Daniel 8 is interpreted as Vatican City, which grew powerful by trampling the truth and taking over the daily sacrifice and Sanctuary.
💰The pope is believed to be the richest organization in the world due to the ability to set people free from sin in exchange for money.
🏺In Ezra 1, King Cyrus returns the golden vessels to Jerusalem, giving them to Shesh Bazar, a Davidic descendant, as a sign of God's restoration.
🏗️Isaiah 58:12 prophesies that the House of Israel will be known as "repairers of the broken places", restoring paths and fixing foundations of many generations.
🕯️The Sanctuary is interpreted as the inner sanctum of the Tabernacle and the separated people of the true House of Remnant Israel.
🔱The Trinity doctrine is claimed to be created by the pope, with the belief that the pope is the father of those baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Summary for: https://youtu.be/eUQMaCR6_iI by Eightify
This video is a sermon presented as the annual Passover Sermon for 2023. The video challenges the translation of the Greek word used for drinking the cup of the Lord as Passover as "Communion," suggesting that "Participation" is a more accurate translation. The video goes on to explore the meaning of this translation, specifically, what it means to participate in the cup. The sermon suggests that understanding this concept will allow viewers to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Passover celebration.
00:00:00 - Preparation for Passover
00:04:46 - Request for a Throne
00:06:38 - Worship Moment
00:08:32 - Gathering of the Elders
00:10:23 - The Remembrance of Yahshua's Death
00:12:14 - The Problem with Communion
00:13:32 - Participating in His Death
00:15:06 - The Participation in Passover
00:17:11 - The Power of Calling
00:19:43 - Sacred and Sanctified Service
00:21:07 - The Cleansing of the Lambs of God
00:22:29 - Prayer and Usher Call
00:29:35 - Introduction
00:40:32 - Musical Interlude
00:51:40 - Foreign Music
01:03:38 - The Power of Music
00:00:00 - The misconception of the kingdom of God
00:00:45 - The Kingdom of God within us
00:01:32 - Yua's Message to the Pharisees
00:02:14 - The Kingdom of God within
00:02:53 - The Error in Translating the Scripture
00:03:36 - The Unobserved King in the Midst
00:04:19 - The Promise of the Coming Kingdom
00:04:58 - The Four Parts of a Kingdom
00:05:39 - The Kingdom of God on Earth
00:06:24 - The Kingdom of Jerusalem
00:07:05 - Christ's Rule from Jerusalem
00:07:48 - The Kingdom of God is Not Already Here
00:08:28 - The Vision of Every Child Going to School
00:09:07 - Being Born of Water and Spirit
00:09:45 - Transforming into a Spirit Body for the Kingdom of God
00:10:36 - The Kingdom of God and World Peace
00:11:21 - The End of the Government
00:11:59 - The Power of Darkness
00:12:35 - Deliverance from Darkness to Light
00:13:16 - Deliverance from the Powers of Darkness
00:14:04 - Citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom
00:14:47 - The Savior and His Kingdom
00:15:30 - The Government of Satan
00:16:11 - The Importance of Praying for the Kingdom of God
00:16:52 - Emissaries and Ambassadors of the Kingdom
The video discusses the concept of FULL SONSHIP adoption in Christianity and highlights the difference between a complete understanding of adoption versus the spirit of adoption. The Pastor Shane Vaughn emphasizes the importance of understanding the adoption process in the context of scripture and avoiding the Americanized version of adoption, which may lead to a faulty understanding of salvation. The speaker warns that a lack of understanding may lead individuals to fall short of the glory of Yahweh. Pastor Vaughn teaches you what the GREEK WORK - Huiothesia truly means and how a better understanding of that word will completely change your CONCEPT OF SALVATION.
00:00:00 - The Sonship Message
00:02:55 - Romans 8:15 and the Spirit of Adoption
00:06:22 - The Difference Between Birth and Adoption
00:10:12 - The Concept of Sonship and Adoption
00:13:23 - The Spirit of Adoption
00:16:25 - Understanding the Promise of Salvation
00:19:40 - The Promise of Abiding in Christ
00:23:03 - Investing in the Revelation
00:26:23 - Sealed with a Promise
00:29:53 - Living in Godly Fear
00:33:32 - The Importance of the Fear of God
00:37:04 - The Power of Adoption
00:41:05 - The Mind of Adoption
00:44:27 - The Three Steps of Sonship
00:47:50 - The Meaning of Adoption
00:51:23 - Pinocchio and Daddy's Creation
00:54:43 - The Significance of Circumcision and Adoption
00:58:09 - Adoption Process in Torah
01:01:55 - The Age of Maturity in Israeli Culture
01:05:32 - The Role of Tutors and Governors in Spiritual Development
01:09:26 - A Father's Proud Announcement
01:13:07 - The Approval of the Father
01:16:36 - Stand up in your Spiritual Authority
01:20:06 - The Miracles of Yahshua
01:23:42 - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
01:27:35 - The Spirit of Adoption
01:31:21 - Blessing upon the Children of Israel
00:00:00 - Singing a New Song
00:05:05 - Strangling the Strongholds of the Mind
00:10:30 - The High Calling
00:14:46 - The Song of All Songs
00:19:31 - The Song of Victory
00:24:46 - The Desire to Learn a New Song
00:29:18 - Singing the New Song in the Book of Job
00:33:25 - Exhortation to Learn the New Song from Revelation and Joel
00:38:20 - The Dance of a Victor
00:43:12 - The Revelation of the Hidden Book
00:48:04 - The Song of Witness
00:52:42 - The Song of Vengeance
00:57:04 - The Song of The Rock
01:01:35 - The Song of Songs: Number One Hit
01:06:02 - The Kisses of God
01:10:47 - The Power of the Messiah's Kiss
01:15:39 - The Kiss of Forgiveness
01:20:52 - The Last Love Song
01:25:52 - The Changing of Love
01:30:59 - The Fragrance of Holiness
01:36:03 - The Song of Songs: Drawn by the Messiah's Kiss
01:40:41 - The King's Chamber
01:45:17 - Understanding the True Meaning of the Verse
01:49:56 - The Black Sheep of the Church
01:55:12 - Fragrance of Humility
02:00:23 - Behind the Curtain of Love
02:05:57 - A Prayer for Revelation and Understanding
More lies are told at a Christian funeral than in a strip club --- The state of the dead is so little understood that it is an indictment against Christianity. THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD and HEARD and BELIEVED. If not - you are allowing your mind to be open for deception on so many doctrinal issues such as the The Rapture and many others.
Keywords: immortality of the soul, soul doctrine, did man preexist, truth about body: soul & spirit, reincarnation, dominion, born to create, rise above, brain vs mind, mind is spirit, your thinking is in your spirit
Yes, the nation is divided, but it's not as bad as the civil war - we will bounce back - THEY SAY !!!
Yes, the economy is bad but we survided the great depression - we will bounce back - THEY SAY !!!
But - at what point does a nation no longer have THE BOUNCE BACK left in them? What did we have in the past that caused us to BOUNCE BACK? Do we will have it? IF NOT - how do we get it back? In this class PROFESSOR TOTO teaches on AMERICA's MISSING X FACTOR !!!!! Watch and learn
ALERT !!!! All Members of our GOLD and SILVER organization that would like one on one training - PROFESSOR TOTO will host an exclusive private zoom class on Feb 12th @ 4 central --- register now at bit.ly/totosgolddiggers ATTENTION --- We now have PATRIOTS HELPING PATRIOTS available. A hub on Facebook where you can go and SUPPORT other small Patriot-owned businesses. So before you shop elsewhere, go and support TOTO's ARMY ---- https://bit.ly/patriotmarket Join us for Saturday Morning LIVE INTERACTIVE ZOOM BIBLE STUDIES @ 10 Central - Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82203614058?pwd=amFJZnRMRTFBMHBiWTNVR3ZSNTVxZz09 Meeting ID: 822 0361 4058 Passcode: 597756 OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITES ARE www.FirstHarvest.Tv for all of our videos and Live Streaming Main Website for Professor Toto - https://www.TotosArmyOfPatriots.com Main Website for Pastor Vaughn - https://www.FirstHarvestChurch.org THE PATRIOTS BUYING CLUB - https://www.ByeByeWalmart.com TAPS AMERICA - https://www.TapsAmerica.com Buy Your Toto-Trump Coffee - https://www.bit.ly/TotosCoffee We have two amazing TOTO THEMED STORE's Enjoy shopping #1 - https://www.thememoriescollection.com #2 - https://bit.ly/TotosStore2 OUR SOCIAL CONNECT POINTS Telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/VP6-VNDcIMxtwW2j RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/ShaneVaughn PARLER @ParlersOfficialPastor TIKTOK - Shanevaughn0 Facebook - https://m.facebook.com/shanevaughn38 - Mewe - Shane Vaughn Gab @ProfessorToto Getttr @Professor Toto Email - brothervaughn@gmail.com BELOW YOU CAN GIVE Tax-Deductible Donations to our church - WE ARE NOT 501(c)3 and neither do we need to be for your donations to be TAX DEDUCTIBLE - Professor Toto did an entire show on this subject. We will NEVER be beholden to the power of the government - THE CHURCH IS A SEPERATE HOLY NATION UNTO HERSELF. CashApp $DrVaughn45 Paypal: www.paypal.me/FirstHarvestMin Venmo - https://venmo.com/Shane-Vaughn-16 Zelle - brothervaughn@gmail.com Mailing Address P.O. Box 2757 Bay St Louis, Ms 39521 Our Church 235 Old Spanish Trail, Waveland, Ms 39576 Services are Friday Night @ 6:00 Sunday Night @ 6:00
00:00:00 - Sister Heflin's Prophecy
00:02:44 - Vision of Natural Storms Coming
00:05:56 - Restoration in the Last Days
00:08:54 - Repairing the Breach without Tearing Down the Wall
00:11:44 - A More Perfect Way
00:14:32 - Chasing the Name of Jesus
00:17:04 - The Power of Language
00:19:58 - Balancing the Use of Names
00:22:45 - The Denial of the Sacred Name
00:25:34 - Changing the Brand of the Messiah
00:28:27 - The Restoration of the Name
00:31:36 - The Assemblies of God Kicked Brother Goss Out
00:34:31 - The Importance of God's Name
00:37:34 - The Fake Lord
00:41:04 - The Names of God
00:44:12 - The Plural Form of Elohim in Hebrew
00:47:10 - The Eternal Nature of DNA and Names.
00:50:10 - Walking in Thankfulness
00:53:08 - The Names of God
00:56:28 - Singing Praises to Yah
00:59:21 - The Importance of Names
01:02:40 - The Name of the Savior is Yahshua
01:05:42 - The Importance of Accountability
01:08:36 - The Meaning of Names and Identity
01:11:30 - The Sabbath and Dress Code Conundrum
01:14:01 - Breaking the Church's Sabbath Rules
01:16:36 - The Removal of God's Name
00:00:00 - Welcome back to studying the Word of Yahweh
00:01:46 - The Gospel of the Coming Kingdom of God
00:03:00 - The King of Very Little
00:03:59 - The Messiah's Kingdom on Earth
00:05:17 - The Purpose of Yeshua's Birth
00:06:22 - The Purpose of the Messiah
00:07:32 - The Expected End
00:08:32 - The Promised Kingdom
00:09:36 - The Unfulfilled Promise of the Kingdom
00:10:44 - The Promise of Hope and Faith
00:11:46 - Bloom at the Wrong Time
00:12:48 - Unwavering in the Word of Yeshua
00:13:54 - The Lord rules and Reigns
00:14:52 - Preparing Food for the People
00:15:51 - Called to Be a King
00:16:55 - Yahshua's Unanswered Prayer
00:17:53 - Standing with Yahshua
00:18:53 - Kings Without a Crown
00:19:46 - The mindset of royalty
00:20:45 - From Commoner to Royalty: The Power of Transformation
00:21:53 - Born to Be a King
00:22:52 - The Call of Royalty
00:23:48 - Finding Your Purpose in Life
00:24:58 - Your Destiny as a Royal
00:25:56 - A Renewal of the Mind
00:26:59 - The Royal Door
00:27:57 - Join Professor Toto's Patriots Buying Club
On 5/5/22 - Pastor Vaughn was the final guest speaker at the 51st Congress of The Apostolic World Christian Fellowship in Evansville, Indiana under the directorship of Bishop Samuel Smith. The Sermon was entitled "Forgetting What You Lost and Fighting For What's Left"
Every Patriot should UNDERSTAND this truth. It is THE FOUNDATION of all things AMERICAN
00:00:00 - The Purpose of Your Life
00:02:04 - The Peaceful Future Kingdom
00:04:03 - The Beasts of the World Empires
00:06:09 - The Kingdoms of the World Consuming Mankind
00:08:16 - The Kingdom of Love and Self-Interest
00:10:21 - The Nature of Predators and Prey
00:12:28 - Transforming the World in the Kingdom of God
00:14:30 - The Predatory Beast Nature of the Nations
00:16:33 - The Transformation of the Beast to the Lamb
00:18:33 - The Law of the Jungle vs the Law of Faith
00:20:38 - The Growth of the Lamb
00:22:31 - Transformation from Lion to Lamb
00:24:39 - Trusting in the Shepherd
00:26:43 - Find the Purpose of Your Life
00:28:44 - The Sabbath and Tithing for Change
00:30:29 - Learning to Trust in the Lord
00:32:25 - The Greatest Lesson