Shane Vaughn Teaches No, you do NOT have a never dying soul

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Shane Vaughn
2 years

Study Guide:

00:00:00 - The Myth of the Never-Dying Soul
00:02:32 - The Truth About the Immortal Soul
00:04:43 - Body and Spirit
00:06:59 - The Intellect of Man and Animals
00:09:20 - The Holy Spirit as the Mind of God
00:11:38 - Knowing the Mind of God
00:14:12 - The Mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit
00:16:29 - The Holy Mind and Spiritual Understanding
00:18:41 - The Origin of Mankind
00:20:58 - Lies Told at Christian Funerals
00:23:06 - The Judgment Seat and Court Date
00:25:06 - The Difference between Spirit and Soul
00:27:11 - The Immortal Soul Doctrine
00:29:14 - The meaning of the Hebrew word "nephesh"
00:31:42 - The Mortality of the Soul
00:34:16 - The Soul Shall Die
00:36:27 - The Resurrection at the Second Coming
00:38:38 - The Certain Time of Judgment
00:41:00 - Returning Memories to God
00:43:12 - The Reunion of the Mind and Body
00:45:25 - The Power to Destroy Body and Soul
00:47:56 - The Preservation of Body, Soul, and Spirit
00:50:27 - Communication with the Dead and Greek Philosophies
00:52:38 - The Difference Between the House of Israel and Pagan Beliefs
00:54:47 - Questions and Clarifications
00:56:48 - The Power of the Soul
00:58:59 - Evening blessings

Key insights
Rejection of the concept of an eternal soul
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    "You do not have a soul, it's a pagan philosophy that the people of Israel and the Jews know nothing about."
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    "When you die, your soul doesn't go anywhere. Nowhere. You don't have a soul and we're going to prove it now."
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    "The holy spirit is the holy Mind Of God that is implanted into your human mind."
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    Understanding the interchangeability of spirit and mind makes the Bible clearer and easier to comprehend.
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    "You have no soul. You have a spirit when you die Soul cut it out. It is Pagan I'm going to show you right now as we proceed exactly where this Doctrine started you're going to be shocked."
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    "You will not really die" - challenging the traditional Christian belief in the mortality of the soul.
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    "I thought you said the that the soul was Immortal that it could not not die here. The prophet of God says the soul the life the breath dies."
Pagan influences on traditional Christian beliefs
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    "If you believe in the soul, then you are wide open for Pagan persuasion."
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    "There's more lies told at a Christian funeral than told at a Satanic ritual."
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    The belief in a never dying eternal soul is pure PAGANISM according to Pastor Shane Vaughn.
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    "You've got to get this Immortal Soul Doctrine completely out of your brain. It's what the church has used to scare people for thousands of years."