Part 3 - IN SEARCH OF THE THRONE - The Mazzaroth

2 years

PLease watch PART 1 FIRST - What does the Mazzaroth tell us? Why is it so important to understand THE SIGNS of the TIMES as displayed in the MAZZAROTH? Because, without this understanding, so many doctrines will be WRONG in our understanding. This is considered FOUNDATIONAL TEACHING
00:00:00 - Introduction and Recap
00:05:44 - The Unchanging Heavenly Scroll
00:11:28 - The Diversion from the Truth
00:17:50 - The Four Living Creatures
00:23:51 - The Lamb and the Heavenly Scroll
00:29:55 - The Heavenly Scroll
00:35:34 - Yahweh's Plan and the Son of Man
00:41:40 - The Temple in the Mazzarot
00:47:53 - The Sign of the Son of Man
00:54:02 - The Sign of the Son of Man and the Heavenly Scroll
00:59:57 - The Story of Virgo
01:06:01 - The Meaning of "Bethela" in Hebrew and Arabic
01:11:56 - The Branch in Virgo's Hand
01:18:13 - The Price that is Deficient
01:24:14 - The Sting of Sin
01:30:40 - Power Over Sin and the Law
01:36:00 - Transition from Matter to Spirit
01:41:08 - Arranging Baptism in New Mexico
01:45:59 - The Importance of Short Books and Taps America Membership
01:50:55 - The Government and the Bride of Yeshua
01:55:45 - Overflowing with Love from the Patriots Club
02:00:35 - The Struggle to Tithe
02:06:04 - Contradiction with Yahweh
02:11:18 - The Great White Throne Judgment
02:16:15 - The Spirit of Captivity and Freedom
02:21:21 - The Importance of the Story before Creation
02:26:07 - Belief and Perspective

Key insights
Gospel in the Stars
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    Pictographs in the Mazzaroth preach the gospel because their meaning never changes, unlike language.
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    The heavenly scroll is the entire gospel written in the stars before the Bible was ever written, and the written Bible must line up with this original Bible.
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    Yahshua is referred to as Orion, the son of man riding the clouds in the milky way, written in the stars before the bible.
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    Yahshua was foreordained in the heavenly scroll, manifesting in the last times.
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    The end is declared from the beginning, and the plan of Yahweh is revealed in the constellations, connecting the end and the beginning together.
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    The only ones that found the messiah were astrologers, trained by the master astrologer himself Daniel, and they delivered to the newborn king the wealth of Daniel.
Symbolism and Meaning in the Mazzaroth
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    The mysterious object on Earth, the Sphinx, holds the key to where the Mazzaroth begins and ends, starting with a virgin and ending with a lion.
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    The entire Mazzaroth is about the war between the seeds, carefully she holds a seed in her hand but Yahweh gave us all a message have no doubt that seed will survive.
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    The connection between the Latin word "virgo" meaning "virgin" and the Arabic word "bethula" meaning "a branch" is quite interesting and thought-provoking.
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    The branch in the hand of Virgo symbolizes that the story ends with a great harvest, giving hope from the beginning.