''The Journey Home - A Parable Of The Fig Tree'' LIVE 8/20/22

2 years

Yahshua did not say "It might be a good idea if you know THE PARABLE of the Fig Tree" but rather he said that ALL TRUE BELEIVERS must KNOW and STUDY The Parable Of The Fig Tree. In this vital lesson, Pastor Vaughn disects the PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE

00:00:00 - The Shift in Focus and the Parable of the Fig Tree
00:03:38 - Mark 13:24-31: The Coming of the Lord and the Parable of the Fig Tree
00:07:31 - The Parable of the Fig Tree
00:11:36 - The Fig Tree and the Coming of the Lord
00:15:38 - Sitting Under the Fig Tree
00:19:38 - Teach us the Torah
00:24:32 - The Fig Tree Analogy
00:28:58 - The Crime Wave in the Church
00:33:20 - The First Ripe Figs
00:37:45 - The Fig Tree and the Torah Chain
00:42:33 - Softening and Ripening
00:46:31 - The Fig Tree and the Blooming of Israel
00:51:04 - The Rebirth of Israel in 1948
00:55:01 - The Unchanging Nature of God
00:58:59 - The Diminishing Power of the Church
01:03:11 - The End of the Generation
01:07:39 - The Return of Israel
01:12:13 - The Two Baskets: Protection and Tribulation
01:16:09 - The Visitation of Yahweh
01:20:50 - The Beginning of Jacob's Trouble
01:25:02 - The Coming Army of Gog and Magog
01:29:27 - The Defeat of Gog and Magog
01:33:42 - Praising Yahweh
01:39:10 - Learning the Ten Commandments