Part 1 - STRANGLING THE STRONGHOLDS ''The Meeting Of The Minds''

1 year

So many believers wish to blame demons for the STRONGHOLDS in their minds and then wish to depend on a quick prayer for the delvierance of those STRONGHOLDS of the mind. However, in this series, Pastor Shane Vaughn opens the scriptures to prove to you EXACTLY How Strongholds are FORMED and the ONLY WAY they can be destroyed. Every believer needs to hear this sermon.

00:00:00 - Walking in Total Deliverance
00:03:53 - The Chocolate Bunny Incident
00:07:42 - Surrendering the Mind to God
00:11:34 - The Mind and Righteousness
00:15:27 - Strongholds in the Mind
00:19:16 - Dealing with the Devil within
00:22:57 - Destroying Your Own Strongholds
00:26:41 - The Power of Your Thoughts and Strongholds
00:30:23 - Overcoming Strongholds
00:34:01 - Overcoming Strongholds in the Mind
00:37:48 - Divine Healing and Sin
00:41:32 - Overcoming Strongholds
00:45:02 - Overcoming Offense and Strongholds
00:49:06 - Overcoming Angry Thoughts
00:53:26 - Overcoming Adversity
00:57:33 - Protecting from the Hands of the Enemy
01:01:17 - Running from Negative Thoughts
01:04:37 - Preaching and Tearing Down Strongholds
01:08:29 - Tearing Down Strongholds with the Word
01:12:33 - Preaching the Truth
01:16:03 - The Coming Kingdom of God and Trump's Role
01:19:58 - Leaving No Room for the Devil
01:23:27 - The Power of Thoughts
01:27:12 - Be Careful of the Company You Keep
01:30:57 - Confessing and Finding Deliverance
01:34:24 - Confessing Your Faults
01:38:24 - Rude House Invitation

Keywords: Deliverance, Reprobate, Mind, Renewed Mind, Romans 1:28, Acts 20:19, Humility, Acts 17:11, Luke 12:29, Doubting, Luke 10:27, Strongholds, Romans 12:2, Demonic possession, Thoughts, Holy Mind, Deliverance, Pride, Offense, Condemnation, Philippians 4:8, 11 Corinthians 4:4, Submit