Part 3 - Strangling The Strongholds ''Rooted & Fruited''

1 year

Study Guide:

00:00:00 - Mortifying the Strongholds
00:03:13 - Killing the Thought of Fornication
00:06:18 - Stirring up the Wrath of God
00:10:00 - The Wrath of God and the Consequences of Disobedience
00:13:22 - Strangling Strongholds in Your Mind
00:16:29 - The Consequences of Stirring up the Wrath of God
00:19:21 - The Power over the Enemy
00:22:52 - The Gift of God
00:26:33 - Self-awareness and Accountability
00:29:30 - The Work of the Ministry
00:32:39 - Growing into the Head
00:36:09 - The Power of the Word Seed
00:39:25 - The Doctrine of Being Born Again
00:42:51 - The Born Again Process
00:46:08 - The Power of the Seed
00:49:21 - The Holy Ghost and the Church
00:52:37 - Baptism into the Church of Israel
00:56:10 - Chewing on the Word
00:59:21 - Overcoming the Desire for Sin
01:02:31 - The Power of the Seed
01:05:56 - Reaching for the Coming Kingdom
01:09:02 - Being Rooted and Grounded in Love
01:12:05 - Building Up in Faith
01:15:22 - Faith in God's Goodness
01:18:51 - The First Sign of an Immature Believer is Negativity
01:22:25 - Growing in the Dark
01:27:06 - Bending over to reach the sun

Key insights
Spiritual transformation and progression in the Christian life
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    Obeying Yahweh's word will turn your life from a circle to a straight line, giving you a destiny and a journey.
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    Sin separates us from God, and turning away from sin is crucial for spiritual freedom and power over the enemy.
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    You can become like Christ, you can do it, and if you can't, then what are we even striving for?
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    The journey of a Christian life is a progression from repentance to obedience to God's law, ultimately leading to union with Yahweh's will for your life.
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    The separation of water and other elements in the creation story parallels the process of destroying strongholds in the mind through repentance, baptism, prayer, and obedience.
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    The devil will try to convince you that you didn't get the real thing if you still have cravings, but the truth is that you have received a seed and now you're ready for the battle.
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    The word of God is like a seed that grows into a shoot within us, transforming us from the inside out.
Sexual purity and obedience to Yahweh's word
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    Sex before marriage is considered an abomination by Yahweh.
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    Fornication is not just sex before marriage, it's everything outside of a marriage covenant.
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    "The reason the modern church is filled with sexual sin is because there is no more wrath of God."
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    "What stirs up his wrath is when you thought that or you even did that and there was no fear of his wrath."

Keywords: Colossians 3:5-6, Kill, Thoughts, Lies, Arguments, Abominations, Sin, Wrath of God, Disobedience, Rebellion, Ephesians 4:8-13, Gifts, 5 Fold Ministry, Perfection, Ephesians 4:15, Maturity, New man, Seed, Begotten, Born, 1 Corinthians 4:15, Battle, Baptism, Holy Spirit, Separation, Preacher, Ephesians 3:17, Colossians 2:7, Root, Fruit, Thanksgiving, Philippians 2:12-13, Growth