Pastor Vaughn: 6/2/23 - 1st Night of the Feast of Firstfruits ''I Choose TO be Afflicted''

1 year

00:00:00 - The Day of Pentecost
00:02:59 - The Power of Coming Together
00:06:14 - The Importance of Fellowship
00:09:37 - The Importance of Community and Connection
00:12:27 - The Difference between Being Alone with God and Being Separated from the House of Israel
00:15:25 - The Disembodied Head
00:18:42 - The Importance of Being Connected with the Body
00:21:31 - The Truth About Personal Relationships
00:24:34 - The Importance of Connection and Unity in the Church
00:27:37 - The Temple of God will never fall
00:31:04 - Healing within the Body
00:34:18 - Healing through Love and Attention
00:37:21 - Healing from within
00:40:26 - The Benefits of an Alkaline Body
00:43:42 - The Sweetest Thing in the World
00:49:48 - The Chosen Place
00:53:05 - The Lost Coins and the Assembly before Yahweh
00:56:27 - The Unexplained Richness
01:00:00 - The Blessings of His Name
01:02:35 - Moses' Choice to Suffer With the Body
01:06:35 - Questions from a Church Boy
01:11:03 - The Choice: Rejection or Faith
01:14:14 - The Rejection Ministry
01:18:04 - Choosing to Keep God's Commandments
01:23:20 - Rejecting Rejection
01:27:11 - Healed by your Affliction