Weekly Telecast - THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - Airdate 7/5/23

1 year

00:00:00 - Welcome Back to the Hope of Israel Telecast
00:01:27 - Introduction to First Harvest Ministries
00:02:27 - Get your free booklets
00:03:31 - Divine Miracles and Faith Lifts
00:04:32 - Rewards for Eternity
00:05:38 - The Power of Works in Achieving Success
00:06:29 - Pursuing Excellence in College
00:07:29 - The Spirit of Excellence: Overcoming Obstacles in Education
00:08:32 - Becoming Something New in Christ
00:09:41 - The Church's Dislike of Works
00:10:43 - The Spirit of Entitlement
00:11:37 - The Call to Occupy
00:12:39 - The Measure of Increase in the Resurrection
00:13:40 - The Scary Scripture
00:14:41 - Workers of Iniquity
00:15:49 - The Importance of Faithfulness
00:16:51 - The Reward for Faithfulness
00:17:57 - Giving ourselves to God
00:18:57 - The Parable of the Minas
00:19:58 - The consequences of teaching to break the Commandments
00:21:05 - The Parable of the Wicked Christian
00:22:11 - The Importance of Works in Faith
00:23:13 - The Mystery of the Pig
00:24:17 - The Consequences of Laziness and Lawlessness
00:25:25 - A Change Coming to Earth
00:26:39 - The Development of Character
00:27:38 - Shabbat Shalom