Pastor Vaughn Preaches ''Divine Division'' 8/25/23

1 year

00:00:00 - The Division Brought by Jesus
00:03:45 - The Gift of Discernment versus Judging
00:07:11 - Discerning the Spirits
00:10:48 - Pseudo Love: The Illusion of Love
00:13:55 - A Loving Church
00:17:18 - The Spiritual Consequences of Intimacy
00:20:42 - The Importance of Obedience in the Government of God
00:23:58 - Why Obedience is Important
00:27:13 - The High Cost of Separation
00:30:34 - Discerning Good and Evil
00:33:42 - Discernment in the Church
00:36:42 - Rejecting Rebellion in the Church
00:40:06 - The Power of Love and Conviction
00:43:35 - Protecting Your Marriage
00:46:37 - Looking at Single Girls
00:49:33 - Unity in Error versus Truth
00:52:55 - Division within the Church
00:55:55 - Division between the Church and the Bride
00:59:40 - The Final Authority and Rejection
01:03:19 - Troublemaker or Innocent Sheep
01:06:48 - Authority in the Church
01:10:14 - The Importance of Fellowship
01:13:25 - The Importance of Prayer
01:16:41 - The Holy Ghost Oversees the Church
01:19:54 - The Importance of Respect and Honor in the Church
01:23:00 - False Prophets and False Teachers
01:26:14 - Stand in Truth, Love, and Pray