Part 15 - ''And They Sang A New Song'' - A Complete Examination of the Song of Solomon

1 year

00:00:00 - Singing a New Song
00:03:04 - Growth and Measurement
00:06:12 - Falling in Love with the Truth
00:09:15 - The Journey to Mount Bashir
00:12:23 - Intimacy with God
00:15:39 - A Love Affair with God
00:18:38 - An Intimate Relationship with God
00:21:31 - Balancing Public and Private Relationships
00:24:49 - Maintaining Personal Beliefs in Public
00:27:54 - Private Revelations and Keeping a Relationship with the Lord Private
00:30:54 - Teaching and Praying for Others
00:33:43 - Serving the Lord in Private and in Public
00:36:45 - The Despising of King David
00:40:00 - Making others feel understood
00:43:01 - Speaking in Tongues and Loving Sinners
00:45:55 - Loving Our Children Unconditionally
00:48:52 - In Love with Truth and the Outside World
00:52:14 - The unity of Christians
00:55:22 - Who is This?
00:58:35 - Learning to Lean on the Lord
01:01:50 - Leaning on the Lord and Earned Rings
01:05:19 - The Power of Love
01:08:49 - The Commandment to Obey God
01:12:43 - Releasing the Rest on the Eighth Day
01:16:27 - The Importance of Teaching Others about God
01:19:41 - Building a Palace of Silver
01:23:11 - [Music]