''No Pleasure'' on the Sabbath Day - REALLY?

1 year

00:00:00 - Understanding Isaiah Chapter 58:13-14
00:00:23 - The Misunderstanding in Isaiah 58:13
00:00:44 - Honoring the Sabbath
00:01:08 - Riding on the Heights of the Earth
00:01:27 - Observing the Sabbath
00:01:44 - The Prohibition of Pleasure in Bible Study
00:02:09 - The Paradox of the Sabbath
00:02:25 - Following Scripture
00:02:49 - The Requirements for the Sabbath Day
00:03:08 - The Sabbath: A Holy Day
00:03:30 - The Misunderstanding of Work
00:03:49 - Finding Pleasure in Our Work
00:04:08 - Finding Joy in Your Job
00:04:26 - Finding Pleasure in Making Money
00:04:42 - Sabbath Day Requirements
00:05:05 - The Sabbath of Rest
00:05:24 - Rest on the Seventh Day
00:05:45 - Employment according to Torah
00:06:10 - Keeping the Sabbath Holy: Stopping Income Earning Activities
00:06:31 - The Holy Convocation for Sabbath
00:06:54 - Stopping Income and Having a Holy Convocation
00:07:15 - ESV version of the Bible notes
00:07:35 - Understanding the Pleasure of Earning Income
00:07:58 - Doing Business on the Sabbath
00:08:19 - Pleasure and Fasting in Isaiah 58
00:08:40 - Oppression in the Workplace
00:09:01 - Pleasure and Income
00:09:25 - The Sabbath Day of Delight and Pleasure
00:09:49 - Sabbath Day Worship
00:10:12 - Understanding Scripture