Part 2 - ISRAEL 101 - The Seed of Abraham

9 months

00:00:00 - Being an Israelite, not a Christian
00:05:31 - The Origins and Development of False Doctrines
00:10:31 - Embracing one's Israelite identity
00:16:06 - The Difference Between Israel and the World
00:21:10 - The Chosen Nation of Israel
00:26:02 - The Absence of the Ten Commandments in Christian Churches
00:31:15 - Being Near to Yahweh
00:36:24 - The Friends of God: The Seed of Abraham
00:41:27 - The Seed of Abraham and the Cross of Jesus Christ
00:46:56 - The Difference between Jews and Israelites
00:51:55 - The Sabbath as a Shadow
00:57:06 - The Focus on the Shadow
01:02:31 - The Dress Standard in the Holiness Church
01:07:15 - The Importance of Holiness
01:12:05 - Peter's Interpretation of the Abrahamic Blessing
01:17:01 - The Blessing of Abraham
01:22:34 - The Chosen Seed of Abraham
01:28:26 - The Seed of Abraham's Faith
01:34:11 - The Lost Tribes and their Father
01:39:07 - The Seed of Abraham
01:44:28 - The War Between the Children of God and the Children of the Devil
01:49:35 - The Children of Yahweh by Faith in Yeshua
01:54:46 - The Power of Words and Faith in God
02:00:41 - Hallelujah