Part 7 - The Missing Manchild

8 months

00:00:00 - The Woman about to Deliver the Manchild
00:04:22 - Surviving Satanic Strategies
00:09:04 - Creating False Images with Our Imagination
00:13:24 - Worshiping God with Vain Imaginations
00:17:55 - The Garden of Eden in Your Mind
00:22:43 - From Serpents to Dragons: The Deception of the Devil
00:27:24 - The Dangers of Chasing Earthly Success
00:31:44 - Strangling the Snakes in Your Mind
00:36:02 - Love won't kill a dragon
00:40:31 - The Good News of the Gospel
00:44:53 - The Holiness of the Seventh Day
00:49:10 - The Role of Men in Leading the Home
00:53:31 - The Serpent's Deception
00:58:03 - Having a Wet Mind
01:02:16 - The Power of Great Words
01:07:03 - Destroying the Power of the Devil
01:11:15 - Walking in Deliverance through Tithing and Obedience
01:15:50 - Losing Dominion over the Heavens
01:20:10 - The Spirit of the Mind
01:24:34 - Renovation of the Mind with the Holy Ghost
01:29:07 - Surrender