Part 2 - Keeps Of The Qahal - Introduction to Shavuot - 4/20/24

4 months

Study Guide:

00:00:00 - The Church Becoming a Circus
00:04:45 - The Wrong Church Amen
00:09:42 - The Cahal and the Ecclesia
00:14:41 - The Purpose of Salvation and Overcoming Deception
00:20:01 - Crushing Preaching for Growth and Maturity
00:24:53 - Blinded Minds and the Gospel of Yahweh
00:29:32 - Only the Predestined Seed
00:34:28 - The First Harvest
00:39:32 - April Rickman's Reluctant Visit
00:44:33 - Preparing the Government that is Coming
00:49:22 - The Tree of Good and Evil
00:54:50 - Overcoming Temptation
01:00:01 - The Dominion Mandate of Man
01:04:51 - The Duty of Kings
01:10:11 - The Blessing of Dancing
01:15:02 - The Blessing of Dancing at Home of Hope
01:20:05 - The Blind Spot in Understanding Jesus's Ministry
01:25:05 - The Church's Lack of Obedience
01:29:39 - The Two Ministries of Elijah and the Two Comings of Christ
01:34:43 - The Dream Team at Sierra Tile
01:39:40 - The Purpose of the Church as Keepers of the Cahal
01:44:13 - The Role of Saviors in Yahweh's Plan
01:49:21 - Invitation to the Tree of Life
01:54:19 - Organizational Structure in Yahweh's Church
01:59:17 - The Importance of Titles and Honor
02:04:14 - The Hierarchy of Government in Israel
02:08:48 - The Authority of Leadership
02:13:32 - The Government of the Church
02:18:34 - The Meaning of Antichrist
02:23:28 - Despising Government and the Purpose of the Church
02:27:57 - The Power of Taking Care of Your Wife

Key insights
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    The primary temptation that every one of us face is the temptation to be disobedient and rebel.
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    Commoners are takers, they won't give God his tithe because they can't survive, but Kings do their duty to God and Country.
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    We must become kingly and show honor to those in higher positions, understanding divine order.
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    "The very opposite of democracy are democratic government listen to me and listen well if you want to know if you're in a Babylonian Church it will have democracy in it."