Dr. Vaughn teaches; Priestly calendar (enoch) calendar, Creators Priestly Calendar, Enoch Calendar

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Shane Vaughn
2 années

Here is the POWERPOINT LINK to download and follow along with this teaching https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ONr2NMDEE9LK4aWdHaXR6aZVFe1Jbdqa/view?usp=sharing
https://www.firstharvestchurch.org brothervaughn@gmail.com
The world goes by a Gregorian Calendar. Most of Judaism and Messianic Hebrew Roots Christians observe a LuniSolar Calendar, basing their months on the siting of the New moon. This is the Calendar that our ministry has observed for 3 years. However, as of late we have come to understand that perhaps neither of those calendars adequately points us to the correct appointed times of Yahweh. As a result, we entered into 6 months of research, counsel, and study to see if perhaps the Calendar that we introduce in this teaching, The Zadok Priestly Calendar (a.k.a Enoch Calendar) is perhaps the original-pre-flood calendar of Heaven.

enoch calendar, pyramid calendar enoch calendar, the enoch calendar, enoch calendar intercalation, Dead Sea Scrolls, zodiac calendars in the dead sea scrolls, dead sea scrolls, solar calendar, Biblical Calendar, Rachel Elior, Zadok Calendar, Yahs calendar, creators calendar, creator's calendar, the creators calendar, biblical calendar, Revelation 12 sign, mark of the beast, CALENDAR OF 364 DAYS, creator’s calendar, hebrew calendar, Gregorian calendar, Creator's calendar, and the creators, new moon, PRIESTLY CALENDAR, YAH'S CALENDAR, ENOCH'S CALENDAR, CREATOR'S CALENDAR, Solar Calendar, Enochian Calendar

priestly calendar - more evidence of the priestly calendar. From Professor Rachel Elior a rabbinical Jew-“The present Jewish calendar is not matching the old Jewish priestly calendar

2017 Enoch Priestly Calendar at one glance
The Enoch Calendar is the most accurate Hebrew calendar given to Enoch by YHWH'S Angel Uriel
Dead Sea Scrolls (also Qumran Caves Scrolls) are ancient Jewish religious, mostly Hebrew, manuscripts found in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea

priestly order calendar confirmation.

The Vero Essene Yahad Ordination Process

the priestly calendar

One of the last mysteries of the Dead Sea scrolls has been decoded. A 364 day calendar worked perfect because this number can be divided into 4 and 7 special occasions always fall on the same day. It revealed a calendar with festivals that marked the changing seasons including the festival of new wheat new wine and new oil. The calendar was based on a 364 day year with each festival taking place 50 days after the other. Researchers said "The 364 day worked perfect because this number can be divided into four and seven & special occasions always fall on the same day". There are 900 scrolls that make up the Dead Sea Scrolls and it's considered to be the oldest copy of the Bible in known existence.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Contains Two Events Not Mentioned In The Bible: The festivals of New Wine and New Oil.