Shane Vaughn Teaches; The Government of God

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Shane Vaughn
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What is the Government of God? How is His church to be governed according to the scriptures. Is there any further need for men to lead the church since all men are now equal in the body of Christ? Is there a hierarchy in the body or has that been done away with? What is the proper government? Whats about Apostles and Prophets, Pastors, Teachers & Evangelist? What is their role today?
Google, Shane Vaughn Teaches; The Government of God, Shane Vaughn,First Harvest Ministries,The Government of God,biblical christianity,first harvest ministries,kingdom of god,end times,church government,elders,deacons,church leadership,bishops,Apostles,new testament,prophet,covenant apostolic congregations,hebrew roots,bishop jesse white,dr. shane vaughn,sabbath day,caci international,caci,7th day sabbath,first harvest church,covenant apostolic congregations international,herbert armstrong,ruth heflin