Study guide
00:00:00 - The Importance of Getting the Middle Right
00:03:30 - Spirit churches vs. Study churches
00:06:44 - The Vision and Perspective of an Israelite
00:10:34 - A Woman's Role and Submission
00:14:43 - Usurpation and Rebellion
00:18:38 - The Divine Order
00:22:37 - Honoring Authority
00:26:29 - Understanding Usurping Spirit
00:30:12 - The Duties of Covenant
00:33:44 - Rising Above the Authority of the Church
00:37:36 - Restoration of All Things
00:40:55 - The Importance of Obedience
00:44:38 - Recognizing Authority
00:48:15 - Submission and Responsibility
00:51:58 - The Sabbath Day and Obedience to the Word of God
00:55:18 - The Gospel of Christ vs the Gospel about Christ
00:59:18 - Absalom's Ambition and Unbridled Power
01:03:23 - Speaking the Truth with Authority
01:07:14 - Casting Out the Serpents
01:11:11 - Worshiping Yahweh and the True King
01:15:36 - The Usurping Spirit of Antichrist
01:19:37 - Uncovering the Truth about the Antichrist
01:23:02 - The Impostor on the Throne
01:26:39 - The Lawless One and the Message of Bondage
01:30:05 - Hallelujah, Blessed Bondage
01:34:20 - The Antichrist Spirit
01:38:09 - The Journey of Truth
Key insights 🐍 The original sin is usurping, and God hates the serpent. 🐍 God wants to destroy the usurping spirit and train us to understand where our authority comes from. 🙏 "God don't ask you to submit to him unless he first provides for you what he promised to provide he would be your protector." 📖 "You can tell me the meaning of every holy day, but until you become the meaning of that holy day, you are a sounding brass." 🦁 The golden Kingdom will be in perfect order, with the lion laying down with the lamb, but it won't magically appear - we need to start now. 👑 David's response to his enemies: he went to the mountain to worship Yahweh, not fight back. 🔗 "The Antichrist message will set you free. It's all lies." 🔥 The Antichrist are not just against God, but also against the true seed and the stars
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