Chapters: 00:00:00 - The First Mention of Sheep in the Bible
00:03:23 - Identifying the Sheep and the Wolves in the Church
00:06:37 - The Voice of Genuine Authority
00:09:42 - The Priority of God
00:12:54 - Sheep and Wolves
00:15:57 - Characteristics of Sheep
00:19:39 - The Shepherd in Your Life
00:22:45 - The Dumbness of Sheep
00:26:05 - The Dumb Spirit Protects the Sheep
00:29:08 - Yahweh's Sheep and the Good Shepherd
00:32:44 - The Importance of Obedience and Assembling
00:36:14 - The Voice of the Shepherd
00:39:51 - The Heart of God: Recognizing a Pastor
00:43:36 - The True Shepherd and His Flock
00:47:02 - The role of elders in the Church
00:50:14 - Respecting the Man of God
00:53:30 - The Alpha Wolf and Hunting Territory
00:56:58 - The Dangers of Feeding on Lies and Gossip
01:00:22 - The Gathering and Alpha Males
01:03:52 - Trusting in the Shepherd
01:08:11 - The Sheep and the Wolf
01:11:35 - The Difference between Sheep and Wolves
01:15:26 - The Law and Sheep
01:19:17 - The Influence of Wolves in the Sheepfold
01:22:53 - The Wolves Among Us
01:26:42 - Honorary Degrees and Sheep in Wolves' Clothing
01:30:37 - The Broken Horse
00:00:00 - The Essence of the Gospel
00:00:20 - The Definition of Gospel
00:00:38 - The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
00:00:58 - Preaching the Gospel
00:01:17 - The Gospel and its Preaching
00:01:32 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ
00:01:52 - Preaching the Good News
00:02:13 - The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
00:02:34 - The Gospel of Christ's Resurrection
00:02:53 - Separate Gospels
00:03:13 - The Revelation of the Kingdom of God
00:03:34 - Repentance and the Kingdom of God
00:03:57 - Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom
00:04:12 - Discovering the Truth about the Kingdom of God
00:04:35 - The Mysterious Kingdom of God
00:04:52 - Studying the Books of Daniel and Revelation
00:05:12 - The Physical Kingdom of God on Earth
00:05:28 - The Coming Government of Jesus
00:05:44 - Preaching the Message of Rule and Reign
00:06:04 - The Kingdom of God at First Harvest Ministries
00:06:24 - Teaching about the Kingdom
00:06:49 - The approaching kingdom of Yahweh and transformation
00:07:09 - The Dream Team
00:07:25 - Understanding the Kingdom of God
00:00:00 - The Restoration by Elijah
00:04:27 - Controversies within Judaism
00:08:40 - The Authority of the Sons of Zadok in Judging Disputes
00:13:24 - Rosh Hashanah and Babylon Tradition
00:18:06 - Sabbath Observance and Tithing to the Temple
00:22:40 - Recognizing and Settling Matters Yahweh's Way
00:26:59 - The Authority of the Priesthood
00:31:22 - Submission to God's Authority
00:36:05 - The Role of Zadok in Controversy
00:40:47 - The Zadokites and the Priesthood
00:45:11 - The Nature of Ministry Controversies
00:49:16 - Taking Disputes to the Zite Priesthood
00:54:03 - The Importance of Judgment in Christianity
00:58:52 - The Departure of the Glory of the Lord
01:03:57 - The Honor of Authority in the Church
01:09:24 - The Truth is the Throne
01:11:50 - Making a Way for the Voice to Go Forth
01:13:28 - The Rebellion in the Heart of a Child
00:00:00 - Establishing the Community in Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
01:18:57 - Moving on from Babylon
01:23:37 - The Chaar Trumpets and Yahweh's Covenant
01:28:25 - The Last Trumpet and Assembly of the Princes
01:33:17 - Headless Israelites and the Resurrection
01:37:53 - Understanding the Second Resurrection
01:42:29 - The Coming of the Lord
01:46:38 - The Lord's Return and Treatment of Others
01:50:44 - Preparation for the Holy Days
01:54:55 - Advice for Sisters with Unbelieving Husbands
02:00:00 - Reflecting on the Day's Lessons and Prayers of Thanks
Zadokite Authority and Calendar 🏛️The sons of Zadok, according to Ezekiel 44:15, have legitimate authority to settle calendars and time, as they kept God's sanctuary order when Israel went astray. 🗓️The Zadokite Priestly Calendar, preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is considered the biblical calendar given by God, setting straight the holy days for Israel. Historical Context 🏺The Zadokite calendar was protected in the Jerusalem Temple until Greek king Antiochus Epiphanes installed his own priest and introduced the lunar Babylonian calendar, still used by Jews today. 🏜️The faithful sons of Zadok established a community in the Arava desert (Kumran), where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, preserving their calendar and way of life. Biblical References and Authority 📜According to Deuteronomy 17:8-9 and Ezekiel 44:15-24, the Zadokites are the only ones allowed to judge and settle matters in the house of Yahweh, not Orthodox Judaism. ⚖️The Zadokite priestly authority was established by King David, who instructed Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet to anoint Solomon as king, continuing until the Maccabean era. Theological Implications 🔮The Bible states that without Elijah restoring the calendar, Christ will never come, emphasizing the importance of the correct calendar in biblical prophecy. 🌟The first resurrection is limited to 144,000 who will sit on thrones in heaven, while the second resurrection includes all dead people, according to Revelation 20. Summary for by Who really holds the authority over sacred time? Shouldn't the Jewish people, who've preserved the Feast Days for thousands of years, be the ones to decide the biblical calendar? And for the sake of unity, why not just follow their lead? In this electrifying lesson, Pastor Shane Vaughn uncovers the shocking truth straight from the Scriptures—revealing that the Jewish people have NO biblical authority to determine sacred times! Tradition alone doesn't hold the keys to divine truth. Pastor Vaughn will break down why this is a matter of divine authority and not human tradition, challenging everything you thought you knew about sacred time. ⚡ Brace yourself for a mind-opening journey as Pastor Vaughn lays out the biblical evidence that will leave you questioning everything about the calendar controversies! This is a lesson you CAN'T afford to miss. 🔥 Subscribe NOW for more explosive biblical insights! 🙏 Join the conversation—share your thoughts below! 📢 Hit the notification bell to never miss an update!
Chapters: 00:00:00.000 - Confessions of Partaking in the Problem
00:00:14 - Repentance before Yahweh and His Holy Church
00:00:26 - Madea Laughter
00:00:53 - Guilty of Destroying America
00:01:14 - The Problem with Laughing at Madea
00:01:29 - Gospel Music and Laughter at Sin
00:01:44 - Entertainment provided by Sin
00:01:59 - The Importance of Following Yahweh's Commandments
00:02:15 - Laughing at Miss Doubtfire
00:02:36 - Laughing at Sears
00:02:52 - The Rejection of Cross-Dressing by Yahweh
00:03:13 - Taking a Stand Against Evil
00:03:23 - Legs and the Spirit
00:03:41 - Misconceptions about gender identity
00:04:00 - Falling for Seduction
00:04:19 - Respect for the House
00:04:31 - Repentance and Yahweh's Message
00:04:42 - Tyler Perry's Transformation
00:04:57 - The Difference Between Laughing at and Laughing with
00:05:22 - Love and Hate in Alignment with Yahweh
00:05:37 - The Church Problem
00:05:50 - Anger towards an Evil Spirit
00:06:05 - Sin Will Laugh at You
00:06:20 - The Influence of Madea
00:06:37 - Satan's Plans Revealed
00:06:50 - Retirement and Reflection
00:07:07 - Falling for the Deception
00:07:19 - Preaching with Understanding Good and Evil
Pastor Shane Vaughn Teaches "PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM" - Part 1 - The Potters Wheel
00:00:00 - The Parables of the Kingdom - Part 1
00:01:07 - Studying the Parable of The Potter
00:02:06 - The Potter and the Clay
00:03:08 - Repentance and Judgment
00:04:15 - The True Meaning of the Parable
00:05:15 - The Potter and the Clay
00:06:16 - The Molding of the House of Israel
00:07:25 - The Commandments as Standards of Conduct
00:08:30 - The importance of instructions in Holiness and Righteousness
00:09:35 - Transformation on The Potter's Wheel
00:10:40 - The Rebellion of Israel against Yahweh
00:11:46 - Forsaking the Ordinances of Worship
00:12:43 - The Value of Irregular People
00:13:42 - The Remolding Begins
00:14:48 - The Potter and the Clay
00:15:54 - Remaking the Vessel with the Same Clay
00:17:02 - The Promise of the Holy Spirit for All
00:18:00 - The Promise to the House of Judah and the Jewish People
00:19:02 - The Lost Tribes and their Distance from the Covenant
00:20:14 - The Promise to the Jew
00:21:11 - The Parable of the Holy Nation Remnant Israel
00:22:18 - The Purpose of the Holy Spirit
00:23:25 - Softening the Clay
00:24:34 - The Remolding of the Vessel
00:25:41 - The Second Vessel: Israel
00:26:51 - The Parable of the Clay
00:27:55 - Foreign Music Performance
Keywords: natural Israel, molding his people, clay, marring, hand of potter, potter’s field, another vessel, remnant Israel, reforming, afar off, soften the clay, remolding, same clay, replacement theology, 2,520 years, House of Israel
Keywords: Physical land of Israel in Palestine, twins: Zarah & Pharez, 2 Esdras 13:40-45, 2 Samuel 7:10, Birthright blessing Israel, Sceptre blessing Judah, Stone of Jacob, Royal line of David, Seed of David, Salmanasar King of Assyria, Davy Crockett, Regalia of Great Britain, amber & scarlet lion, Zaragosa, Spain
Chapters: 00:00:00 - Teaching the Story of America and Great Britain
00:03:05 - The Land where the Tribes of Israel Dwell
00:06:24 - Finding Clarity in Scripture
00:09:57 - The Name Yahweh
00:13:13 - The Lost Tribes Tracking Europe
00:16:24 - The Promised Throne
00:19:44 - Blessings of the 12 Tribes of Israel
00:23:08 - The Story of Zara and Pharez
00:26:36 - The Birthright of Pharez and Zara
00:30:14 - The Tribe of Zara and its emblem
00:33:45 - Satan's Attempt to Stop the Inheritance
00:37:03 - Yahweh's Plan for the Royal Branch
00:40:33 - The Exaltation of the Lost Tribes of Israel through Tea Tephi
00:43:57 - The Lost Book of Tephi
00:47:41 - Jacob's Sacred Stone
00:51:01 - The Rock of Israel and its Inheritance
00:55:07 - The Mistranslation of the Rock as Christos
00:58:29 - The Meaning of the Word "Christ"
01:02:04 - The Perfection of the Bible
01:05:25 - The Meaning of the Word "Christ"
01:08:33 - The Rock's Journey
01:11:35 - Tia Tephi and the Lost Tribes of Israel
01:15:13 - Recognition as the Queen of Jerusalem
01:18:59 - The Prophecy of Ezekiel and the Red Hand Flag
01:22:40 - The Union of the Two Royal Lines
01:26:19 - The Monarchs of Great Britain and their lineage.
01:29:40 - The Throne and Prophecy
00:00:00 - Sister Heflin's Prophecy
00:02:44 - Vision of Natural Storms Coming
00:05:56 - Restoration in the Last Days
00:08:54 - Repairing the Breach without Tearing Down the Wall
00:11:44 - A More Perfect Way
00:14:32 - Chasing the Name of Jesus
00:17:04 - The Power of Language
00:19:58 - Balancing the Use of Names
00:22:45 - The Denial of the Sacred Name
00:25:34 - Changing the Brand of the Messiah
00:28:27 - The Restoration of the Name
00:31:36 - The Assemblies of God Kicked Brother Goss Out
00:34:31 - The Importance of God's Name
00:37:34 - The Fake Lord
00:41:04 - The Names of God
00:44:12 - The Plural Form of Elohim in Hebrew
00:47:10 - The Eternal Nature of DNA and Names.
00:50:10 - Walking in Thankfulness
00:53:08 - The Names of God
00:56:28 - Singing Praises to Yah
00:59:21 - The Importance of Names
01:02:40 - The Name of the Savior is Yahshua
01:05:42 - The Importance of Accountability
01:08:36 - The Meaning of Names and Identity
01:11:30 - The Sabbath and Dress Code Conundrum
01:14:01 - Breaking the Church's Sabbath Rules
01:16:36 - The Removal of God's Name
More lies are told at a Christian funeral than in a strip club --- The state of the dead is so little understood that it is an indictment against Christianity. THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD and HEARD and BELIEVED. If not - you are allowing your mind to be open for deception on so many doctrinal issues such as the The Rapture and many others.
Keywords: immortality of the soul, soul doctrine, did man preexist, truth about body: soul & spirit, reincarnation, dominion, born to create, rise above, brain vs mind, mind is spirit, your thinking is in your spirit
00:00:00 - The misconception of the kingdom of God
00:00:45 - The Kingdom of God within us
00:01:32 - Yua's Message to the Pharisees
00:02:14 - The Kingdom of God within
00:02:53 - The Error in Translating the Scripture
00:03:36 - The Unobserved King in the Midst
00:04:19 - The Promise of the Coming Kingdom
00:04:58 - The Four Parts of a Kingdom
00:05:39 - The Kingdom of God on Earth
00:06:24 - The Kingdom of Jerusalem
00:07:05 - Christ's Rule from Jerusalem
00:07:48 - The Kingdom of God is Not Already Here
00:08:28 - The Vision of Every Child Going to School
00:09:07 - Being Born of Water and Spirit
00:09:45 - Transforming into a Spirit Body for the Kingdom of God
00:10:36 - The Kingdom of God and World Peace
00:11:21 - The End of the Government
00:11:59 - The Power of Darkness
00:12:35 - Deliverance from Darkness to Light
00:13:16 - Deliverance from the Powers of Darkness
00:14:04 - Citizenship in the Heavenly Kingdom
00:14:47 - The Savior and His Kingdom
00:15:30 - The Government of Satan
00:16:11 - The Importance of Praying for the Kingdom of God
00:16:52 - Emissaries and Ambassadors of the Kingdom
This is a montage of 3 separate classes where Professor Toto pulled back the curtain on Barack Obama, from childhood to the present, the truth will disgust you. Two of these classes were taught in July 2022 and the final class, September 2023
00:00:00 - The Captivating Effect of Barack Obama on the Media
00:04:07 - The Collapse of American Politics
00:06:39 - The Rise of Donald Trump and the Failure of the Media
00:09:26 - The Dangers of a Spell-Bound Media
00:12:17 - The Impact of Barack Obama
00:15:03 - Barack Obama's Abandoned Childhood
00:17:43 - America Under Attack, The Vulnerable Children
00:20:37 - Satan's Influence on Obama's Upbringing
00:23:06 - Obama's Troubled Youth
00:25:51 - The Influence of Mentors: Gay Ray and Frank Marshall Davis
00:28:41 - The Communist Mentor of the 44th President
00:31:31 - The Influence of Frank Marshall Davis
00:34:00 - Barack Obama's Friendship with Marxist Professors and LGBTQ+ Community
00:36:47 - The Relationship with Muhammad Shandu
00:39:36 - The Evil Agenda to Destroy America
00:42:27 - Obama's Usurpation of the Presidency
00:44:52 - Barack Obama's Coup Against America
00:48:00 - The Obama Coup and Retaining Power
00:51:04 - The Start of Obama's Treasonous Acts
00:54:07 - Evidence of Election Fraud
00:56:50 - Infiltration of Non-Violent Protesters
00:59:26 - Trump's Double Jeopardy
01:02:13 - The Man Behind the Curtain
01:05:03 - Spiritual Warfare and the Influence on Barack Obama
01:08:02 - The End Time Attack on America
01:10:44 - The War for America
01:14:40 - Music